
Synthetic diatemic fluid, suitable for the most severe operating conditions. Composed of a mixture of hydrogenated terphenyl

Base Synthetic

Indicative operating temperature -3° / 345°


DelcoTerm® S TFI is a synthetic thermal diathermic oil with high thermal stability, consisting of a mixture of hydrogenated terphenyls and partially hydrogenated polyphenyls, particularly suitable for oleothermal systems operating at very high temperatures where a mineral diathermic oil cannot be used.

The maximum operating temperatures that the fluid is able to withstand without cracking are of the order of

345 ° C as mass temperature and 375 ° C as film temperature

Designed for use in, or close to, systems operating at atmospheric pressure

DelcoTerm® S TFI guarantees savings on maintenance costs and its durability represents safety from the standstill point of view. The formulation of the fluid minimizes the formation of low boiling and degradation products, provided that the fluid is used within the product specifications.

Its use is necessary and therefore recommended for systems where the fluid is subjected to working temperatures above 300 ° C.

To further prevent oxidation phenomena, it is absolutely necessary that the system is equipped with a secure defense against the possibility that the fluid comes into contact with the oxygen in the air. That is, the system must absolutely be equipped either with a pressurized vessel with nitrogen or with a reverse expansion barrel D.E.L.CO. or an efficient liquid guard.

Questio 2012
Iso 9001:2000